How do I rent spaces for construction, valet, or tv production purposes?

Detiails about meter rentals are available here. For all inquiries, please contact our rent meters department via email at [email protected]. If you have any questions before submitting your inquiry, please contact us at 305-373-6789 ex. 270.

I need to update my license plate number for my permit, how do I do this?

To update your license plate number please login to your account and select “account maintenance” then locate the e-permit you wish to edit and change the plate number. Please note that the license plate number can only be changed a maximum of three times per month.

I paid for the wrong plate on PayByPhone and received a citation, how can I dispute this?

Unfortunately, the MPA does not issue refunds for payment of incorrect plates as there is no way of proving that this time was unused.

How do I renew my annual residential parking permit?

Log In to your account and select “FIND PARKING” (upper left corner, next to HOME) a map will appear. In “By Map” enter the zone and press ENTER to select the month in which you will begin parking. Once you select Annual Residential Permit, you will be asked to upload three documents being:

  • Utility Bill such as FPL, Water and Sewage, TECO Gas, a phone bill pertaining to internet and landline.
  • Valid active registration matching the address of the account.
  • Valid driver’s license that matches the address of the account and it cannot be a learner’s permit.
  • Lastly provide your plate matching your registration and proceed to “ADD TO CART” and enter your payment information.

Why is parking enforcement such an important component of the development of a city?

First and foremost, citations written by Miami Parking Authority parking enforcement officers (PEOs) are payable directly to Miami-Dade County and MPA receives no revenue from their issuance; MPA has absolutely no financial incentive to issue citations. We strongly prefer to educate customers in order to to help them avoid tickets. That said, sound parking enforcement is essential to a healthy parking system: it enables the City to maximize use of the existing parking supply, and ensures that the street is used in the best interests of the community. For example:

  • PEOs issue citations to vehicles parked illegally, such as loading-zone violations, no-parking zones, fire lane violations, double parking, expired time zones, expired parking meters, disabled parking, etc.
  • PEOs help regulate turnover and increase the availability of parking for the City’s business clientele. For example, assume a business owner has only five parking spaces available – and the same cars are parked there day in and day out. He will no doubt lose customers.
  • PEOs ensure that this does not happen and that business traffic runs smoothly.
What do I do if my vehicle was towed?

The MPA towing provider is Roadway Towing and Recovery & Transport. You can reach them at (305) 593-1919. If your vehicle is not with Roadway Towing, please contact the Miami-Dade County Sheriff’s Department for further assistance. Their non-emergency number is (305) 627-7100.

How does Miami Parking Authority contribute to the growth and economic development of Miami?

MPA invests in the construction and management of parking facilities. Parking is an integral component of the transportation and infrastructure system that supports economic development. The Authority’s planners, working closely with city officials and private developers, have built and proposed a number of developments that bring new life to neighborhoods underserved or neglected by private-sector parking facilities. These developments – and the revenues they generate – support public safety, drive consumer and commercial traffic into business districts, enhance development/redevelopment programs, complement public transportation initiatives, and add to Miami’s quality of life by demonstrating responsible land use.

How does MPA contribute to the South Florida community?

MPA is an active member of the South Florida community, contributing funding and in-kind services to more than thirty festivals, events and non-profit organizations each year. In addition, MPA’s management and staff participate in annual charitable fundraising campaigns, sit on the boards of area non-profit organizations, and donate their time and resources to community activities.

How does MPA improve the quality of life in the City of Miami?

MPA addresses key quality-of-life issues in our urban community by:

  • Providing convenient and affordable short-term and long-term parking
  • Offering multiple payment options.
  • Installing environmentally friendly meters and technologically advanced facilities.
  • Sponsoring and facilitating community events.
  • Maximizing economic use of urban land with responsible development
What is MPA’s relationship to the City of Miami?

MPA is a self-sustaining agency receiving no taxpayer support from the City. Operations are funded through parking revenues and bond issues. Guidance by an volunteer board of independent directors, combined with the need to generate sufficient revenues to meet operational requirements, ensures efficient operations and strong financial management. MPA has returned millions of dollars of revenue to the City of Miami.

What is the difference between MPA and private-sector parking companies?

There critical difference is MPA’s public mandate to provide affordable, convenient parking – even in areas where the financial return is not as great. As a result, MPA has the single largest inventory of parking spaces in the City of Miami, offering uniform policies and payment options, along with strong accountability and a well-trained customer service staff. Our public mandate allows us address the parking concerns of citizens and business leaders, while meeting the parking demands of commuters and visitors for affordable and convenient parking. At the same time, our private entity structure ensures efficient operations and strong financial management.

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