We understand that our website may not answer all your questions or that specific problems may arise which require one-on-one service. Here at the MPA, excellent customer service is something we pride ourselves on and extend to all of our customers. If you are ever in need of assistance, here are ways to get in contact with a customer service representative
Email is a great option for individuals who may have questions after hours or on weekends. You may contact us at any time and our representatives will reach back to you out based on the order in which your message was received. Please email us at [email protected]
*Typical response time is between 24-72 hours (excluding weekends & holidays) *
Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm excluding holidays. Please feel free to give us a call during these times and a customer service representative will assist you in the order in which your call was received. You can reach us at 305-373-6789 opt. 1. If you rather us call you back, there’s an option for that too!
We understand that some issues may require more time than others, and we want to give you the proper guidance. You can schedule a 15-minute meeting with one of our customer service representatives on specific dates and times. At the time of your meeting, we will call you and be ready to assist you. Please visit our scheduling page: